Added icons
- Added actions icons:
- cell_edit
- edit-delete-remove
- edit-entry
- editor
- edittext
- gnumeric-comment-edit
- gnumeric-link-edit
- languages
- output_win
- view-media-genre
- view-media-playcount
- Adwaita Demo
- Akira
- Android Studio Preview (Beta/Canary) #2891
- Apple Music
- Asunder #2880
- Beyond All Reason #2871
- Binance
- Birdfont
- Blockbench (Flathub) #2007
- Cambalache
- Carla (Flathub) #2007
- Compact Shutdown (Plasmoid)
- Crab Game #2869
- Daty
- DaVinci Resolve
- eqonomize (mimetypes icon) #2863
- Fasttracker II
- Give Me Lyrics
- GNOME Passbook
- GNOME Secrets
- Greenfoot (Flathub) #2007
- GTK4 Demo
- Hackgregator
- Hamster (Flathub) #2007
- Haruna
- Hively Tracker
- iCloud
- iCloud Drive
- iCloud Photos
- Input Method (Plasmoid)
- Inspektor
- Internxt Drive
- Jami
- Keyboard Layout (Plasmoid)
- KiCad Suite (Flathub)
- LunarVim #2882
- Manuskript (Flathub) #2007
- Mathematica (mimetypes icons)
- MenuLibre (Flathub) #2007
- Minimize All (Plasmoid)
- Mousai
- Mt
- Mu-editor
- Nostalgia
- Notejot
- osu! (Flathub) #2007
- Password
- Password Manager
- PCSX2 (AppImage)
- Pixel Piracy #2799
- Plots
- preferences-system-windows-behavior
- QDirStat #2877
- qimgv #2878
- Quick Lookup
- Rare (tray icon) #2844
- Rnote
- Sentinel dVPN
- SongRec
- Spotify QT
- Steam Rom Manager #2879
- Sums
- Synology Assistant/Drive/Note Station #2860
- Tandem
- TilEm
- Tomate
- Twitz
- VMware Workstation (actions, and mimetypes icons) #2855
- Wike
- Zenkit #2890
- Zettlr
Updated icons
- (*.apk) (mimetypes icon)
- application-x-sharedlib (mimetypes icon)
- bluetooth (tray, and symbolic icons)
- GNOME Keysign
- GNOME Notes
- GTK4 Widget Factory
- media-playlist-play (actions icon)
- network-wired (tray, and symbolic icons)
- Portfolio
- preferences-activities
- radio (tray, and actions icons)
- Steam (tray icon)
- Transmission (apps, and tray icons) #2874
- unknown (mimetypes icon)
- user-desktop (monochrome places icon)
- view-media-lyrics (actions icon)
- window-pin, and window-unpin (actions icon)
Changes and fixes
- Changed color for Electron Mail tray icon to support color changing
- Removed CSS stylesheet from folder-applications 48px icons