github PHPOffice/PhpSpreadsheet 1.24.0
1.24.0 - 2022-07-09

latest releases: 2.1.0, 2.0.0, 1.29.0...
24 months ago

Note that this will be the last 1.x branch release before the 2.x release. We will maintain both branches in parallel for a time; but users are requested to update to version 2.0 once that is fully available.


  • Added removeComment() method for Worksheet PR #2875

  • Add point size option for scatter charts Issue #2298 PR #2801

  • Basic support for Xlsx reading/writing Chart Sheets PR #2830

    Note that a ChartSheet is still only written as a normal Worksheet containing a single chart, not as an actual ChartSheet.

  • Added Worksheet visibility in Ods Reader PR #2851 and Gnumeric Reader PR #2853

  • Added Worksheet visibility in Ods Writer PR #2850

  • Allow Csv Reader to treat string as contents of file Issue #1285 PR #2792

  • Allow Csv Reader to store null string rather than leave cell empty Issue #2840 PR #2842

  • Provide new Worksheet methods to identify if a row or column is "empty", making allowance for different definitions of "empty":

    • Treat rows/columns containing no cell records as empty (default)
    • Treat cells containing a null value as empty
    • Treat cells containing an empty string as empty


  • Modify rangeBoundaries(), rangeDimension() and getRangeBoundaries() Coordinate methods to work with row/column ranges as well as with cell ranges and cells PR #2926

  • Better enforcement of value modification to match specified datatype when using setValueExplicit()

  • Relax validation of merge cells to allow merge for a single cell reference Issue #2776

  • Memory and speed improvements, particularly for the Cell Collection, and the Writers.

    See the Discussion section on github for details of performance across versions

  • Improved performance for removing rows/columns from a worksheet


  • Nothing


  • Nothing


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