github PHPCompatibility/PHPCompatibility 8.0.0
PHPCompatibility 8.0.0 - warning: breaking changes !

latest releases: 9.3.5, 9.3.4, 9.3.3...
6 years ago

Version 8.0.0 - 2017-08-03

IMPORTANT: This release contains a breaking change. Please read the below information carefully before upgrading!

The directory layout of the PHPCompatibility standard has been changed for improved compatibility with Composer.
This means that the PHPCompatibility standard no longer extends from the root directory of the repository, but now lives in its own subdirectory /PHPCompatibility.

This release also bring compatibility with PHPCS 3.x to the PHPCompatibility standard.

There are two things you will need to be aware of:

  • The path to the PHPCompatibility standard has changed.
  • If you intend to upgrade to PHPCS 3.x, the path to the phpcs script has changed (upstream change).

Please follow the below upgrade instructions carefully. This should be a one-time only action.

Upgrade instructions

Before upgrading

If you had previously made accommodations for the old directory layout, you should remove any such "hacks" (meant in the kindest of ways) now.

By this we mean: symlinks for the PHPCompatibility install to the PHP_CodeSniffer/CodeSniffer/Standards directory, scripts to move the sniffs files to the PHPCS directory, scripts which made symlinks etc.

So, please remove those first.


If you had previously forked this repository to solve this issue, please consider reverting your fork to the official version or removing it all together.

Upgrading: re-registering PHPCompatibility with PHP CodeSniffer

External PHP CodeSniffer standards need to be registered with PHP CodeSniffer. You have probably done this the first time you used PHPCompatibility or have a script or Composer plugin in place to do this for you.

As the directory layout of PHPCompatibility has changed, the path previously registered with PHP CodeSniffer will no longer work and running phpcs -i will not list PHPCompatibility as one of the registered standards.

Using a Composer plugin

If you use Composer, we recommend you use a Composer plugin to sort this out. In previous install instructions we recommended the SimplyAdmin plugin for this. This plugin has since been abandoned. We now recommend the DealerDirect plugin.

composer remove --dev simplyadmire/composer-plugins
composer require --dev dealerdirect/phpcodesniffer-composer-installer:^0.4.1
composer install
composer update wimg/php-compatibility squizlabs/php_codesniffer
vendor/bin/phpcs -i

If all went well, you should now see PHPCompatibility listed again in the list of installed standards.

Manually re-registering PHPCompatibility

  1. First run phpcs --config-show to check which path(s) are currently registered with PHP CodeSniffer for external standards.

  2. Check in the below table what the new path for PHPCompatibility will be - the path should point to the root directory of your PHPCompatibility install (not to the sub-directory of the same name):

    Install type Old path New path
    Composer vendor/wimg vendor/wimg/php-compatibility
    Unzipped release to arbitrary directory path/to/dir/abovePHPCompatibility path/to/dir/abovePHPCompatibility/PHPCompatibility
    Git checkout path/to/dir/abovePHPCompatibility path/to/dir/abovePHPCompatibility/PHPCompatibility
    PEAR If the old install instruction has been followed, not registered. path/to/PHPCompatibility


    If you used the old install instructions for a PEAR install, i.e. checking out the latest release to the PHP/CodeSniffer/Standards/PHPCompatibility directory, and you intend to upgrade to PHP CodeSniffer 3.x, it is recommended you move the PHPCompatibility folder out of the PEAR directory now, as the layout of the PHPCS directory has changed with PHPCS 3.x and you may otherwise lose your PHPCompatibility install when you upgrade PHP CodeSniffer via PEAR.

  3. There are two ways in which you can register the new installed_paths value with PHP CodeSniffer. Choose your preferred method:

    • Run phpcs --config-set installed_paths ... and include all previously installed paths including the adjusted path for the PHPCompatibility standard.

      For example, if the previous value of installed_paths was


      you should now set it using

      phpcs --config-set installed_paths /path/to/MyStandard,/path/to/PHPCompatibility

    • If you use a custom ruleset in combination with PHPCS 2.6.0 or higher, you can pass the value to PHPCS from your custom ruleset:

      <config name="installed_paths" value="vendor/wimg/php-compatibility" />
  4. Run phpcs -i to verify that the PHPCompatibility standard is now listed again in the list of installed standards.

Upgrading to PHPCS 3.x

The path to the phpcs script has changed in PHPCS 3.x which will impact how you call PHPCS.

Version PHPCS 2.x PHPCS 3.x
Generic phpcs Command path/to/PHP_CodeSniffer/scripts/phpcs .... path/to/PHP_CodeSniffer/bin/phpcs ....
Composer command vendor/bin/phpcs ... vendor/bin/phpcs ...

So, for Composer users, nothing changes. For everyone else, you may want to add the path/to/PHP_CodeSniffer/bin/phpcs path to your PATH environment variable or adjust any scripts - like build scripts - which call PHPCS.

Upgrading a Travis build script

If you run PHPCompatibility against your code as part of your Travis build:

  • If you use Composer to install PHP CodeSniffer and PHPCompatibility on the travis image and you've made the above mentioned changes, your build should pass again.
  • If you use git clone to install PHP CodeSniffer and PHPCompatibility on the travis image, your build will fail until you make the following changes:
    1. Check which branch of PHPCS is being checked out. If you previously fixed this to a pre-PHPCS 3.x branch or tag, you can now change this (back) to master or a PHPCS 3 tag.
    2. Check to which path PHPCompatibility is being cloned and adjust the path if necessary.
    3. Adjust the phpcs --config-set installed_paths command as described above to point to the root of the cloned PHPCompatibility repo.
    4. If you switched to using PHPCS 3.x, adjust the call to PHPCS.

Changelog for version 8.0.0

See all related issues and PRs in the 8.0 milestone.



  • 🎁 As of this version PHPCompatibility will use semantic versioning.
  • 🔥 The directory structure of the repository has changed for better compatibility with installation via Composer. #446. Fixes #102, #107
  • ✏️ The custom functionWhitelist property for the PHPCompatibility.PHP.RemovedExtensions sniff is now only supported in combination with PHP CodeSniffer 2.6.0 or higher (due to an upstream bug which was fixed in PHPCS 2.6.0). #482
  • 🔧 Improved the information provided to Composer from the composer.json file. #446, #482, #486
  • 🔧 Release archives will no longer contain the unit tests and other typical development files. You can still get these by using Composer with --prefer-source or by checking out a git clone of the repository. #494
  • 🔧 A variety of minor improvements to the build process. #485, #486, #487
  • 🔧 Some files for use by contributors have been renamed to use .dist extensions or moved for easier access. #478, #479, #483, #493
  • 📚 The installation instructions in the Readme. #496
  • 📚 The unit test instructions in the Contributing file. #496
  • 📚 Improved the example code in the Readme. #490


  • 🚫 Support for PHP 5.1 and 5.2.

    The sniffs can now only be run on PHP 5.3 or higher in combination with PHPCS 1.5.6 or 2.x and on PHP 5.4 or higher in combination with PHPCS 3.x. #484, #482


Thanks go out to Gary Jones and Juliette Reinders Folmer for their contributions to this version. 👏

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