What's New
- A total user interface refresh based on the latest Material Design specs
- New theme palettes
- Improved designs for playback and detail views
- New app branding and icon
- Refreshed round mode
- Less intrusive music loading indicators
- Musikr, a brand new music loading system
- Directly accesses user files rather than unreliable media database
- Uses faster and more capable native tag parsing
- Stores cover data on-device for fast and high-quality access
- New interpretation system with many quality-of-life improvements
- Android 15 support
What's Improved
- Initial music loading is significantly faster and less resource intensive
- Album grouping no longer done with artist
- MusicBrainz IDs will no longer split albums/artists in less tagged libraries
- M3U playlist file name is now proposed if one cannot be found within the file
- Duration is now parsed from certain files that previously could not be parsed
- ID3v2 tags are now parsed from WAV files
- NN/TT tracks/discs are now handled in Vorbis
- Music library will is less likely to fail to respond to updates
- Hidden audio files can now be loaded
- Sorting songs by date now uses songs date first, before the earliest album date
- Added working layouts for small split-screen form factors
- Added fast scrolling in detail views
- Added ability to make issues and make feedback e-mails in-app
What's Fixed
- Fixed playback sheet flickering on warm start
- No longer possible to save a sort with no direction specified
- Fixed inconsistent corner radii in widget
- Possibly fixed foreground start music loading failures
- Fixed playlist view not exiting on deletion
What's Changed
- Date added is now local to when the app discovers the file and will not persist long-term
- Songs with no album are now "Unknown album" rather than folder name
- Tab layout no longer changes depending on device configuration
- Round mode is now on by default
- No longer using custom logging setup
- Music loading split off into separate musikr module
Fixes since dev5
- Fixed bottom sheet from hiding on back below Android 10
- Fixed crash on GrapheneOS devices w/MTE enabled
- Minified taglib library use
- Tried to fix mysterious foreground start errors
- Fixed graphing crash with duplicate artists/genres
- Fixed playlist view not navigating away when deleted
These users made one-time donations to support this release!
- Anonymous Donor - $24.24
- Anonymous Donor - $20
@uku3lig - $20
- Anonymous Donor - $14.55
- Anonymous Donor - $12
- $10
- Anonymous Donor - $10
- Anonymous Donor - $10
- Anonymous Donor - $9.55
- Anonymous Donor $5
Get these shoutouts and more by becoming a sponsor!
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