github Ouranosinc/xclim v0.24.0

latest releases: v0.41.0, v0.40.0, v0.39.0...
3 years ago

New indicators

  • days_over_precip_thresh, fraction_over_precip_thresh, liquid_precip_ratio, warm_spell_duration_index, all from eponymous indices.
  • maximum_consecutive_warm_days from indice maximum_consecutive_tx_days.

Breaking changes

  • Numerous changes to xclim.core.calendar.percentile_doy:

    • per now accepts a sequence as well as a scalar and as such the output has a percentiles axis.
    • per argument is now expected to between 0-100 (not 0-1).
    • input data must have a daily (or coarser) time frequency.
  • Change in unit handling paradigm for indices, which as a result will lead to some indices returning values with different units. Note that related Indicator objects remain unchanged and will return units consistent with CF Convention. If you are concerned with code stability, please use Indicator objects. The change was necessary to resolve inconsistencies with xarray's keep_attrs=True context.

    • Indice functions now return output units that preserve consistency with input units. That is, feeding inputs in Celsius will yield outputs in Celsius instead of casting to Kelvin. In all cases the dimensionality is preserved.
    • Indice functions now accept non-daily data, but daily frequency is assumed by default if the frequency cannot be inferred.
  • Removed the explicitly-installed netCDF4 python library from the base installation, as this is never explicitly used (now only installed in the docs recipe for sdba documented example).

  • Removed xclim.core.checks, which was deprecated since v0.18.

New features and enhancements

  • Indicator now have docstrings generated from their metadata.
  • Units and fixed choices set are parsed from indice docstrings into Indicator.parameters.
  • Units of indices using the declare_units decorator are stored in indice.in_units and indice.out_units.
  • Changes to Indicator.format and Indicator.json to ensure the resulting json really is serializable.

Internal changes

  • Leave missing_options undefined in indicator to allow control via set_options.
  • Modified xclim.core.calendar.percentile_doy to improve performance.
  • New xclim.core.calendar.compare_offsets for comparing offset strings.
  • New xclim.indices.generic.get_op to retrieve a function from a string representation of that operator.
  • The CI pipeline has been migrated from Travis CI to GitHub Actions. All stages are still built using tox.
  • Indice functions must always set the units (the declare_units decorator does no check anymore).
  • New xclim.core.units.rate2amout to convert rates like precipitation to amounts.
  • xclim.core.units.pint2cfunits now removes ' * ' symbols and changes Δ° to delta_deg.
  • New xclim.core.units.to_agg_units and xclim.core.units.infer_sampling_units for unit handling involving aggregation operations along the time dimension.
  • Added an indicators API page to the docs and links to there from the Climate Indicators page.

Bug fixes

  • The unit handling change resolved a bug that prevented the use of xr.set_options(keep_attrs=True) with indices.

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