github OpenZeppelin/cairo-contracts v0.14.0

18 days ago


Changed (Breaking)

  • Migrate to the 2023_11 edition (#995):

    • Component implementations annotated with #[embeddable_as()] (e.g: AccessControlComponent::AccessControl) are not public anymore. Note that the embeddable versions are still public (e.g: AccessControlComponent::AccessControlImpl).
    • Implementations that can be compiler-derived from traits are not public anymore (e.g: DualCaseAccessControlImpl is not public while DualCaseAccessControlTrait is).
    • Secp256k1PointPartialEq and DebugSecp256k1Point are not public anymore.
    • account::utils::execute_single_call is not public anymore.
    • Presets are not public anymore, since they should be copied into projects, and not directly imported.
    • Trace and Checkpoint structs are not public anymore, since they are intended to be used in ERC20Votes, and not as generic utilities.
    • StorageArray is not public anymore, since this implementation is specific to ERC20Votes, and is not intended as a generic utility, but as a temporary solution until Starknet native implementation arrives.
  • Apply underscore pattern to modules (#993)

    • AccessControlComponent
      • _set_role_admin function renamed to set_role_admin
    • PausableComponent
      • _pause function renamed to pause
      • _unpause function renamed to unpause
    • UpgradeableComponent
      • _upgrade function renamed to upgrade
    • ERC20Component:
      • _mint function renamed to mint
      • _burn function renamed to burn
      • _update function renamed to update
    • ERC721Component:
      • _safe_transfer function renamed to safe_transfer
      • _safe_mint function renamed to safe_mint
      • _mint function renamed to mint
      • _transfer function renamed to transfer
      • _burn function renamed to burn
      • _update function renamed to update
    • ERC1155Component:
      • set_base_uri function renamed to _set_base_uri
  • Bump Scarb to v2.6.5 (#1014)

Full Changes List

Full Changelog: v0.13.0...v0.14.0

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