IMPORTANT REMINDER: firmware update across major revisions (e.g. from 2.1.8(x) to 2.1.9(x)) will trigger a factory reset, including resetting Wifi settings. However, firmware update across minor revisions (e.g. from 2.1.9(x) to 2.1.9(x)) does not trigger a factory reset. Before proceeding to update firmware, it's always a good idea to export your configurations to a file so you can recover your programs and settings later.
Main changes:
Support for OpenSprinkler Latch 3.2
Changed wired Ethernet to use the new EthernetENC library (, replacing the previous UIPEthernet library. EthernetENC library has a few major bug fixes, which hopefully improves the wired Ethernet functions.
Improves NTC sync by using multiple NTP servers and cycle through them if one is not available. Also improves handling of RTC in case RTC doesn't exist or doesn't work.
Improves factory reset function for OS 3.0, forcing flash reformat in the case of flash corruption.
Allows program's interval day to be as small as 1 (previously the minimum is 2).
Support for using a program to trigger controller reboot on a regular basis. A program with name :>reboot will trigger a reboot when the controller is idle (i.e. no program is running). A program with name :>reboot_now will trigger a reboot regardless of its running status. Both reboot will be delayed by 1 minute or so from the start time to avoid the action triggered again right after rebooting. As an example: create a program that starts every day at 2:00am with name :>reboot will trigger a reboot every day at 2am. When creating the program, at least one zone must be selected to run but it will be ignored because the firmware recognizes the special program name and does not actually run any zone included in this program.