Release 33.1.4
Release 33.1.4 contains bug fixes, security updates and enhancements.
The codename for Horizon 33.1.4 is Arborvitae.
- Device config backup ssh client throws key spec not recognised: class net.i2p.crypto.eddsa.spec.EdDSAPublicKeySpec (Issue NMS-16359)
- News Feed override URL should only apply to Rest service, not front end (Issue NMS-16373)
- Requisition file names with a colon ( : ) break resource graphs (Issue NMS-16537)
- Update neko-htmlunit Library (Issue NMS-16724)
- Asset table field userlastmodified length is too short (Issue NMS-17005)
- Update Library (Issue NMS-17033)
- Update org.yaml:snakeyaml Library (Issue [NMS-17048])
- Not possible to post graphs via the API - server returns 500 (Issue NMS-17073)
- Add support for Heartbeat in grpc exporter ( bsm) (Issue NMS-17377)
- Grpc Exporter : Ability to disable BSM/ NMS-Inventory modules (Issue NMS-17727)
- Poller log INFO message for "Another service is currently holding the lock", change to different Log Level (Issue NMS-16963)
- SCV metadata token replacement for system properties (Issue NMS-16989)
- Create simple a shell script to gather and package data helpful to Client Services (Issue NMS-17077)
- Add proto for NMS Inventory and Alarms (Issue NMS-16994)
- Refactoring existing GRPC client implementation and creation of new GRPC client for Alaram and Inventory (Issue NMS-16998)
- Replace Node to OnmsNode to pick up missing fields in proto (Issue NMS-17080)
- Update GRPC Routing using Sub-Domains (Issue NMS-17301)
- Add events updates in GRPC exporter (Issue NMS-17337)