Release 32.0.0
Horizon 32 features a slew of bug fixes and a number of major improvements, most notably the introduction of JDK17 support, and a major uplift in the Newts backend.
The codename for Horizon 32.0.0 is Cavernous Death Metal.
- Add lldpRemLocalPortNum in LldpLink Table (Issue NMS-7775)
- dependabot: JasperReports from 6.3.0 to 6.20.0 (Issue NMS-14588)
- Enhanced Linkd supports Network-Routers Map (Issue NMS-14678)
- Destination Path Test Button (Issue NMS-14692)
- Node Properties REST endpoint doesn’t include asset location data (Issue NMS-14785)
- fix/re-merge additional changes to password validation (Issue NMS-14898)
- Provide a method to verify topology capability (Issue NMS-14909)
- Special-case CounterBasedGauge64 in MIB compiler (Issue NMS-15210)
- Remove contrib from OpenNMS (Issue NMS-15268)
- Upgrade Groovy to 3.x (Issue NMS-15315)
- Create an Apache mina-sshd based ssh client service poller. (Issue NMS-15431)
- Add a method for finding and clearing alarms by TTicketID to OPA’s AlarmDAO (Issue NMS-15439)
- Upgrade Spring Security (Issue NMS-15506)
- Doc: PersistRegexSelectorStrategy only works on string attributes (Issue NMS-15595)
- Enable AmbientCapabilities=CAP_NET_RAW CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE in shipped opennms.service systemd file (Issue NMS-15596)
- Remove legacy lsb info from Minion initialization script (Issue NMS-15604)
- Asynchronous polling engine (Issue NMS-15623)
- Update documentation (or implementation) for newer Slack API (Issue NMS-15652)
- Make usage statistics sharing notice dialog non-modal (Issue NMS-15677)
- Docs: Add info about XSLT to XmlCollector (Issue NMS-15693)
- Doc: Update DNS provisioning import adapter docs (Issue NMS-15694)
- KSC report "details" should go directly to the related graph, rather than "all" (Issue NMS-15711)
- Add more collection for selfmonitor node out of box (Issue NMS-15742)
- TrivialTimeMonitor & detector (Issue NMS-11063)
- Rework NMS0123EnIT test (Issue NMS-14743)
- Multiple CVEs for Axis 1.4 (Issue NMS-15061)
- Make test for Admin page footer Copyright year (Issue NMS-15220)
- Fix coverage test containers after we resolve NMS-15401 (Issue NMS-15444)
- Poll Status History: Enable Poll Status RRD for all services (Issue NMS-15641)
- Poll Status History: Change documentation to reflect the changes (Issue NMS-15642)
- Poll Status History: Add RRD graph definitions for all services in a default poller-configuration.xml (Issue NMS-15643)
- Document async polling settings (Issue NMS-15680)
- Update docs to capture additional details on BMP config (Issue NMS-15713)
- Tweak usage statistics sharing notice copy (Issue NMS-15740)
- Call out usage statistics consent changes in Horizon 32.0.0 release notes (Issue NMS-15796)
- Multiple OpenNMS feature stop working when the Events Forwarder cannot push content to Elasticsearch (Issue NMS-13019)
- rest api wrong LinkdTopologyProvider graphs (Issue NMS-14329)
- Inconsistent references to JMXCollect/Monitor for "password-clear"/"password_clear" (Issue NMS-14884)
- Docker images for Horizon 30.0.4 and later no longer have an editor or a modern pager (Issue NMS-14946)
- CVE-2014-2228 for org.restlet 1.1.10 (Issue NMS-15193)
- Page footer missing from Feather / Vue UIs (Issue NMS-15262)
- Dead transaction in flow thresholding on sentinel (Issue NMS-15340)
- Event Datetime element parsing changed between M2018 and M2021 (Issue NMS-15471)
- Backshift graph’s Data tab shows incorrect / phantom data when using STACK (Issue NMS-15495)
- Status Overview box calculation included the alarms and outages from nodes outside of the assigned categories (Issue NMS-15526)
- When upgrading Minion from an older version on RHEL based systems, the service file doesn’t point to the main installation, but rather to /etc/init.d/minion which doesn’t exist (Issue NMS-15600)
- When upgrading Sentinel from an older version, the service file doesn’t point to the main installation, but rather to /etc/init.d/sentinel which doesn’t exist (Issue NMS-15601)
- send-events-to-elasticsearch karaf command passes username/password in reverse (Issue NMS-15638)
- Doc: File name syslog-grok-patterns.txt is wrong (Issue NMS-15684)
- Stop packaging activemq-web-console.war (Issue NMS-15686)
- Database deadlock caused by JdbcFilterDao (Issue NMS-15696)
- Karaf SSH locks up if connections are terminated improperly (Issue NMS-15714)
- Vue menubar logo link should go to homeUrl (Issue NMS-15721)
- https redirection is partially broken (Issue NMS-15732)
- Startup taking > 10 minutes on fresh 32.0.0 builds (Issue NMS-15751)
- Docs need updating to include support for Kafka 3 (Issue NMS-15777)
- Add /usr/lib64/jvm to search paths (Issue NMS-15784)
- Investigate using trivy to scan containers (Issue NMS-14781)
- New REST endpoint provides textual description given a top-level usage statistics KPI key name (Issue NMS-15476)
- Data choices modal dialog removed from first admin user login (Issue NMS-15478)
- New usage statistics sharing notice dialog (Issue NMS-15479)
- Usage Statistics Sharing UI (Issue NMS-15481)
- Data Choices link removed in favor of Usage Statistics Sharing UI (Issue NMS-15482)
- Data Choices modal dialog removed entirely (Issue NMS-15483)
- Fresh installs assume usage statistics sharing consent (Issue NMS-15485)
- Usage statistics sharing UI includes control to revoke sharing consent (Issue NMS-15486)
- Docs explicitly state that statistics sharing consent is assumed and how to revoke it (Issue NMS-15490)
- Official documentation describes how to uninstall and block "datachoices" feature (Issue NMS-15491)
- Existing opted-out installs stay opted out of usage statistics sharing (Issue NMS-15492)
- Existing opted-out installs never show the Sharing Notice Dialog (Issue NMS-15493)
- Existing opted-out install Usage Statistics Sharing UI behaves like a revoked install (Issue NMS-15494)
- Upgrade to Newts 3.0.0 (Issue NMS-15514)
- Native support for Holt-Winters forecast (no dep on R) (Issue NMS-15622)
- Review and adjust default and example startup settings (Issue NMS-15635)
New Feature
- update opennms build and runtime to support JDK17 (Issue NMS-15609)