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OpenNMS Horizon 31.0.7 (Snickerdoodle)

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17 months ago

Release 31.0.7

Release 31.0.7 is an off-cadence release containing several small bug fixes. Most notably, it upgrades the OpenNMS Plugin API host to version 1.4.0, enabling OPA plugins targeting that version to load successfully.

The codename for Horizon 31.0.7 is Snickerdoodle.


  • Adding new thresholds to an existing group often throws an IndexOutOfBoundsException (Issue NMS-15334)
  • A small typo in prevents artifacts from GitHub to be included in containers (Issue NMS-15592)
  • Syslog Northbounder maxMessageSize config option is not used (Issue NMS-15606)


  • Visualization of database-report templates in docs (Issue NMS-15423)
  • Add Velocloud plugin in our core and minion containers (Issue NMS-15567)


  • Implement collector config extensions – NMS side (Issue NMS-15585)

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