- #10046 Introduce api protocol for listening connectors
Bug Fixes:
- #10204 Not possible to edit a country after a first edition opening
- #9914 Wrong page title in Security settings
Pull Requests:
- [frontend] feat: Hide XTM Hub CTA button if platform_xtmhub_url variable is empty by @jbanety in #10222
- Bump xml-crypto from 6.0.0 to 6.0.1 in /opencti-platform/opencti-graphql by @dependabot in #10246
- [backend] Introduce api protocol for listening connectors (#10046) by @richard-julien in #10048
- [frontend] fix the ability to edit a country after a first edition opening (#10204) by @CelineSebe in #10239
Full Changelog: 6.5.6...6.5.7