github OpenCTI-Platform/opencti 5.5.1
Version 5.5.1

latest releases: 6.1.8, 6.1.7, 6.1.6...
17 months ago

Dear community, OpenCTI 5.5.1 is out 🎉! This version fixes all known bugs of the 5.5 branch and introduces multiple features and user experience enhancements 🤯.

First of all, all "knowledge" views can now be visualized as list of entities or relationships 💡, which allows analysts and stakeholders to sort and search in them more simply 🔬. Then, we've added new attributes on notes to cover different use cases and comments capabilities and a dashboard widget to display the bookmarked entities 🚀.

Also, in terms of user experience, usage of checkboxes, colors and technical creator has been extended in multiple sections 🎨. The left menu can now be collapsed to ensure a better display of screens 🖼️.

Finally, it's now possible for users to provide a global feedback to administrators 🌠, which creates a case, in preparation of the upcoming case management system for incident response and requests for information 💼.


  • #2681 [back] Prevent name update if already available in aliases
  • #2654 x_opencti_score showing as "Unknown" is inconsistent
  • #2621 [Feature] Rework of Filter.js
  • #2558 In custom dashboards, create a new widget with "favorite" entities for quick access
  • #2553 Introduce "entities" view in all knowledge sections, reverse views order and check filters
  • #2520 Be able to provide global feedback (free text field) to the plateform owner
  • #2511 Note of type "assessment" should be displayed differently
  • #2506 Add attributes “Likelihood” and note_types in note
  • #2496 Allow filtering for labels in the Global>Activity>Vulnerability list custom dashboard
  • #1688 Implement ordering on every column (and drop the "entity type" column)
  • #1512 Ability to filter objects by Creator

Bug Fixes:

  • #2679 [back] Inference cleanup/deletion can fail after successive cleanup
  • #2672 Unable to view External References
  • #2669 Can't access to my reports
  • #2667 Bug: Context Filter in Groupings
  • #2662 Some knowledge pages are broken when trying to orderBy some columns
  • #2658 Delete in background task is not working
  • #2657 Cannot Filter Feeds by "Score higher than or equals"
  • #2655 Unable to dowload an export file in lists
  • #2653 This page is not found on the OpenCTI application

Pull Requests:

New Contributors:

Full Changelog: 5.5.0...5.5.1

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