github OpenCTI-Platform/opencti 3.0.2
Version 3.0.2

latest releases: 6.1.12, 6.1.11, 6.1.10...
4 years ago

Dear community, OpenCTI 3.0.2 has been released! We fixed a lot of bugs related to the new RBAC system as well as some slowness in the ingestion process provided by workers. We also released a first version of the VirusTotal connector and enhanced the vulnerabilities entities with new attributes (CVSS3).

We are working hard on the next release to dramatically extend the test coverage and develop the data curation features (de-duplicate, merge, split, bulk edit/delete).


  • #503 Have a more detailed view of description when adding entities
  • #469 Drop-down selection options/suggestions don't appear until you type something
  • #429 "Edit this Doc" button URL
  • #322 Documentation/Default Script to be updated
  • #257 Enhance vulnerability entity
  • #147 Vulnerability : add external information
  • #49 Implement vulnerability enrichment

Bug Fixes:

  • #523 Lower performances of the ingestion process since 3.X
  • #521 Unable to delete relations in reports
  • #520 Unable to delete a tag on an actor
  • #519 Disrepectancies between the general search field and the search field to add entities in a report
  • #500 Display issue in the pannel to add entities to the knowledge of a report
  • #451 Dates for very long term relations

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