- #3598 [RST CLOUD / WHOIS API] New RST WHOIS API Connector
- #3596 [InfoBlox Threat Defense] Create the Connector
- #3501 [Silobreaker] Issue on first run of connector
- #3498 [Palo Alto XSOAR Stream] Connector need improvements
Bug Fixes:
- #3591 [Tanium Intel] Connector is crashing on YARA rule creation
- #3254 [RST Noise Control] : No default value provided for variable: "RST_NOISE_CONTROL_BASEURL"
Pull Requests:
- [Silobreaker] Fix issues and add autobackpressure by @helene-nguyen in #3573
- Update dependency boto3 to v1.37.9 by @renovate in #3587
- [InfoBlox Threat Defense] Create the Connector by @The-Stuke in #3313
- [RST CLOUD] Connector Updates. New RST WHOIS API Connector by @k1r10n in #3443
- [ALL] - feat: add tools to ensure commits are signed and renovate pr-commit-config by @flavienSindou in #3567
Full Changelog: 6.5.5...6.5.6