This maintenance release fixes the following critical problems (see also Release Notes) compared to OCCT 7.6.1:
- 31585: “Access Violation while creating fillet – ChFi3d_Builder::PerformIntersectionAtEnd”
- 32066: “Modeling Algorithms – Incorrect result of Boolean CUT operation”
- 32701: “Modeling Algorithms – 2d curve has bending near the degenerated edge of the face”
- 32715: “Modelling Algorithms – UnifySameDomain does incomplete union”
- 32719: “Regression: Modelling Algorithms – UnifySameDomain result has incorrect triangulation”
- 32721: “Modeling Algorithms – BOP wrong results on a cone and an extrusion”
- 32767: “Mesh – incorrect splitting of edges of seams leading to hang [since OCCT 7.4.0]”
- 32796: “Modeling Data – Calculation of distance between two circles crashes”
- 32814: “[REGRESSION vs 7.5.1] Modeling algorithms – Unifysamedom produces invalid result”
- 32840: “Application Framework, copying of a scaled shape fails”
- 32874: “IsParallel() method of Extrema_ExtCC does not give same results in OCC 7.6.0 vs OCC 7.5.0”
- 32912: “Visualization – crash when displaying an OBJ file with missing texture file”
Note: starting this year we stop supporting VS2010 and VS2012 compilers.
Publication date: April 29, 2022.