Version 7.5.0 - November 4, 2020. Highlights (see also Release Notes):
- Redesigned API of progress indicator for parallel tasks
- Support of compilation for WebAssembly (with Emscripten SDK)
- New printer Message_PrinterSystemLog for logging messages to system log
- Support of progress indicator in BRepMesh
- New alternative algorithm for triangulation of 2d polygons
- Tool to remove internal sub-shapes (with INTERNAL orientation) from the shape keeping topological connectivity
- Allowed usage of multi-dimensional compound arguments for Boolean Cut and Common operations
- Use of sRGB textures and render buffer
- PBR Metallic-roughness shading model
- Normal map texture support
- Option to compute BVH trees used for interactive selection in background thread
- Support of non-standard style font families (“Narrow”, “Condensed”, etc.) and multi-font .ttc files in Font Manager
Data Exchange
- Support of reading STEP files containing non-Ascii symbols (Unicode or local code pages) in text strings
- Support of writing Unicode text strings to STEP (as UTF-8)
- New API for STEP reader accepting C++ stream on input
- glTF 2.0 writer
- Improved performance of (ASCII) STL and OBJ readers
Application Framework
- Management of several documents (open, save, close, etc.) in parallel threads (one application per thread)
- Inheritance of attributes to reuse their persistence mechanisms
- Progress indicator in TDocStd_Application
- Optimization of Commit operation for large modifications
Draw Test Harness
- Colorized message output
- Support of Unicode symbols in DRAW console on Windows
- Flight-mode navigation in 3D viewer via WASD keys and 3D mouse input on Windows
- Experimental teleport-mode navigation in 3D viewer using OpenVR
- Unification of mouse gestures for 3D viewer manipulation in samples
- New WebGL viewer sample
- Update of JNI sample for Android Studio (from Eclipse project)
- New Qt OCCT Overview sample
- Restructuring of OCCT documentation for easier orientation and higher user-friendliness