github OokTech/TW5-Bob 1.3.2
Sugar Beets

latest releases: 1.7.6, 1.7.3b1, 1.7.1...
5 years ago

!! Version 1.3.2 Sugar Beets

  • Update documentation in the server routes
  • Hopefully fix the problem where BobEXE crashes if there is no GUI and suppressBrowser is not set to yes
  • Fix some api routes used by TWederBob
  • Fix a bug with internalFetch that would break when using force for conflicts
  • Fix some other bugs with internalFetch that resulted in tiddlers being created in the wrong wikis.
  • Make federated and local chat use the same format for messages
  • Add saver for single-file wikis
    ** Works with the BobSaver plugin. Put the BobSaver plugin in your wiki then if you have Bob running on your computer the wiki will save as expected.
  • Some tweaks to how browser alerts are sent to hopefully reduce the alert spamming.

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