github OneSignal/OneSignal-XCFramework 3.8.0
3.8.0 Release

latest releases: 5.2.1, 5.2.0, 5.1.6...
2 years ago

iOS 15 Notification Action Icon support

  • OneSignal's SDK now supports iOS 15's action icons for notification icons created through OneSignal

iOS 15 relevance score and interruption level

  • OneSignal's OSNotification object now includes the relevance score and interruption level properties available with iOS 15.

Fix delayed user registration when not immediately prompting for push permissions

  • OneSignal would occasionally unnecessarily delay user registration if the app did not immediately request push permissions. This is now fixed so registration and IAM display should happen much sooner.

Full Screen In App Messaging support

  • Margins for OneSignal In App Messages can now be turned off, enabling true full window messages.

This release corresponds to OneSignal-iOS-SDK Release 3.8.0

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