github OndrejNepozitek/Edgar-Unity v2.0.0-alpha.8-hotfix.0

latest releases: v2.0.2, v2.0.1, v0.0.7-test-build...
3 years ago

If you are upgrading from a previous version of the plugin, see the instructions at the bottom.

This is a very small hotfix release with some bug fixes.

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💅 Polish

  • Increase the contrast of the level graph editor in Unity versions with a dark editor window background

🐛 Bug fixes

  • (PRO) Added missing diagnostics to the platformer generator.
  • (PRO) Fixed a delay in the level graph inspector.

⏩ Migrate from previous version

If you are upgrading from v2.0.0-alpha.8, it should be okay to just import this hotfix without additional steps. Otherwise, follow the instructions below.

To update the plugin from a previous version, it is recommended to first remove all the old files (Assets/Edgar folder) and then import the newer version of the plugin. You may also want to back up your files if you did some changes to the asset files.

To make it easier for you to update to future versions of the asset, please try to not create your games directly in any of the example scenes. It is okay to use these scenes as a playground. However, be prepared to lose all your modifications when upgrading to a new version of the asset.

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