github OndrejNepozitek/Edgar-Unity v2.0.0-alpha.8

latest releases: v2.0.2, v2.0.1, v0.0.7-test-build...
3 years ago

If you are upgrading from a previous version of the plugin, see the instructions at the bottom.

This update comes with some interesting new features for the users of the PRO version. First, it is now possible to create door sockets to specify which doors are compatible when connecting neighbouring rooms. Second, it is also possible to use directed level graphs and choose whether a door should be an entrance or an exit. These two features should give you much better control over generated levels.

As always, you are welcome to join our Discord server. So if you have anything to ask, want to share what you are doing with Edgar, or just want to chat about anything, you are encouraged to join us!

🚀 New features

  • (PRO) Added door sockets which make it possible to specify which doors are compatible. (docs)
  • (PRO) Added directed level graphs together with entrance-only and exit-only doors. This feature is useful if you want to make sure that the player always enters and exits a given room at the correct place. (docs)
  • (PRO) Completely reworked the minimap post-processing logic. It is not more powerful and there are some additional examples in the documentation. (docs)

💅 Polish

  • Ignore null room templates in level graphs. Previously, null room templates resulted in an error.
  • Simplified door positions in Example 2.
  • Made it possible to pan in the level graph editor with the middle mouse button.
  • Renamed example tile palettes - added an "Edgar - " prefix.
  • Improved the IgnoreTilemap component.
  • (PRO) Made the FogOfWar.WaveOrigin field public so that it can be changed when a player game object is destroyed and needs to be replaced with a new one.
  • (PRO) Removed the dependency on Edgar.Unity.Examples from Edgar.Unity.Editor.

🐛 Bug fixes

  • (PRO) Fixed a bug with the Fog of War where some tiles were revealed even when they should be hidden.

💥 Breaking changes

  • Slightly changed the API of the PostProcessUtils class.

⏩ Migrate from previous version

To update the plugin from a previous version, it is recommended to first remove all the old files (Assets/ProceduralLevelGenerator folder) and then import the newer version of the plugin. You may also want to back up your files if you did some changes to the asset files.

To make it easier for you to update to future versions of the asset, please try to not create your games directly in any of the example scenes. It is okay to use these scenes as a playground. However, be prepared to lose all your modifications when upgrading to a new version of the asset.

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