github OndrejNepozitek/Edgar-Unity v2.0.0-alpha.2

latest releases: v2.0.2, v2.0.1, v0.0.7-test-build...
4 years ago

If you are upgrading from a previous version of the plugin, see the instructions below.

🚀 New features

  • Level graph editor was rewritten. It is now possible to zoom in and out, snap room nodes to grid and open the window by double clicking a level graph.
  • Refactored visualization of room template outlines and doors. They now work also when the cell size is not equal to 1 or cell gap is not equal to 0.
  • The structure of the plugin was changed to follow the package manager guidelines so that it can be added to a project via package manager. See installation instructions for more details.

💅 Polish

  • Show an error when the Door component is missing on a room template.

💥 Breaking changes

  • The folder structure was changed to follow package manager guidelines.
  • Most of the namespaces were changed in order to follow the new folder structure. So if you are referencing some of the scripts directly, you will need to fix using statements. This change should be pretty simple with suggestions from your IDE.
  • RoomTemplate component was renamed to RoomTemplateSettings because there already exists a RoomTemplate class in the .NET library and it would be confusing.

⏩ Migrate from previous version

To update the plugin from a previous version, it is recommended to first remove all the old files (Assets/ProceduralLevelGenerator folder) and then import the newer version of the plugin. You may also want to backup your files if you did some changes to the plugin files.

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