- Hitsound Copier can now copy regular hitsounds to slidertick and sliderslide samples and it will automatically generate the required slidertick and sliderslide samples.
- Any backups made by Mapping Tools now use the newest version from editor memory.
- Added saving and loading of locked virtual objects in the project menu of Geometry Dashboard.
- Added single point circle generator to Geometry Dashboard.
- Added menu item that opens the Mapping Tools folder.
- Added a 'New project' project menu item that resets any tool back to default settings.
- Added indentation to config.json.
- Increased default merge leniency in Slider Merger.
- Fixed locked objects in Geometry Dashboard being impossible to snap to.
- Fixed the lock hotkey accidentally removing too many locked virtual objects.
- Fixed crash loop for people with corrupt registry.
- Fixed tool's project possibly being null and breaking stuff.
- Fixed .ogg Vorbis sample export not being compatible with weird sample rate source.
- Fixed interactions on bezier sliders which end on a red anchor.