github OctoFarm/OctoFarm
Dashboard customising and usabilty improvements

latest releases: v1.8.0-beta.11, v1.8.0-beta.10, v1.8.0-beta.9...
3 years ago

NOTE: Anyone using the client side filtering on Panel/Camera/List views this has been removed in this version until I can work out a better implementation. The old implementation was causing missed clicks and other issues. Sorry if anyone uses this pretty consistently, if it's much of an issue I recommend awaiting the next release.


- Formalised the data json layout for Environmental Data collection same POST endpoint as before. Must send null values for anything not used: 
            temperature: value (°C),
            humidity: value (%),
            iaq: value (KOhms),
            pressure: value (Pa)
            date: value
- Configurable dashboard. Allows the elements to be hidden/removed in System -> Client Settings -> Dashboard. You can also re-arrange your elements as well as re-size them to suit your needs.
- Initial very basic support for Klipper Plugin, OctoFarm will now grab Klippers version information and display it under OctoPrints on the printer management.
- Added server side check for CORS activation. UI on printer manager will react...
- New Dashboard settings in System -> Client. Shows saved grid, and allows for adding/removing elements and clearing positions/sizes.
- Added new printer manager section called "Connection Log". Just a ticker with recent API calls for now, errors will show up here and you can investigate in the printer settings.
- New file manager sorting library. All previous defaults will no longer work, defaults to lastest files first. 
- If available last Indoor Air Quality value will be displayed. 
- Indoor Air Quality value updated to follow bosch range. 0 - 500 from Excellent air quality to Extremely Polluted.
- Ability to upload a file to replace the background. System -> Client.
- Remember me select box on login page, currently will remember your session for 30 days. Does not persist an OctoFarm reboot. More configuration options to be added.
- Updated custom NPM commands for OctoFarm: 
    - "npm start" - Runs OctoFarm service, will now automatically run npm install so this step is no longer required.
    - "npm stop" - Stops OctoFarm service.
    - "npm startup" - Generates system startup script so OctoFarm is persistent. You will need to copy and paste the output command into your terminal to activate this. Then use the below script to save the configuration. Same as "pm2 startup"
    - "npm saveStartup" - Saves the current configuration generated from "npm startup". Same as "pm2 save" 
- New section in "System Settings" called "Database". Currently displays the db URL and also allows some basic deleting (tactical nuke) of a database.
- New Printer selection modal, this is currently for Multi-Upload in files manager but will eventually be used in the rest of the UI.


- OctoFarm now reacts to the enabled camera setting on OctoPrint. If you don't use camera's it is best to disable them here. 
- OctoFarm will now only respond to a max screen size of 2000px. Anything above this will be limited from stretching to the full horizontal width.
- Fixed issue #102 - UI Redraw causing missed clicks. 
- Moved Logs above About on System Side bar. 
- Files no longer "a" element, can't be clicked anymore. Was confusing, suggested an action.
- Implemented new file sorting function. Settings default to name, and will save per client in local storage.
- File path now shows on hover if available in History table.
- Tweaks to SSE browser cache, should force re-update of data rather than blasting the client with a lot of data as it caught up... (Testing and feedback would be awesome)
- Client side images/javascript/css is now minified and generates a source map properly for all dependancies. This should improve load times, and increase browser support going forward. These are pre-built for the client, so no action required on a users part. 


- Fixed file path showing on file selection instead of file name
- Fixed Paused print not allowing cancel on Panel view.
- Issue with session not been read when accessing site. Should save uneccassary logins. NOTE: These do not persist a OctoFarm restart.
- Fixed issue with Printer Name filter not working with special characters on history
- Fixed issue with file name filter not working with special characters on history
- Fixed issue with file manager sorting not allowing update within folders.
- Fixed issue with new files not showing above folder. Sorting/re-loading page will re-organise. 
- Fixed issue with filament manager failing system file import on server start
- Fixed issue # 108 reliance on storage key was causing UI to lock up, and system wasn't re-scanning if didn't exist.
- Fixed issue with file manager not removing file.


- Client side sorting library for printers - Not added back yet due to been a little more complex than first anticipated. 
- Client side sorting library for files.
- Ability to set a URL as background. See Added section.

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