github OctoFarm/OctoFarm 1.1.13-hotfix
Burning for a Pushup Party

latest releases: v1.8.0-beta.11, v1.8.0-beta.10, v1.8.0-beta.9...
3 years ago

A little hotfix version to make some vast improvements to the updater mechanism and as always some tasty bug fixes! Main bug fix is the introduction of a working "AUTO" field of OctoFarm -> OctoPrint connections. Your defaults should now save properly as well.

Just to warn, we had made some goofs with the updater script. There's a possibility of either the check update button not working, or the actual update to pull down the latest release. You will have to manually "git pull" and restart your service but it should be the last of that!



  • Ability to use the AUTO option for baudrate.
  • Ability to click update button to go to system page.


  • Completely re-worked the auto updater mechanism.
  • Completely re-worked the npm check and installation mechanism for the auto updater



  • Fixed #500: Connection to printer would fail when both baudrate and port are set to "AUTO"
  • Fixed #501: Restart command fired too fast which resulted in no confirmation/error notification on client.
  • Fixed #495: Check for update would result in double notifications for airgapped farms.
  • Fixed #498: Fix package version not always preset and synced correctly when not running npm commands, f.e. pm2.

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