github OctoFarm/OctoFarm 1.1.10
1.1.10 - I don't drink, but I code like I do...

latest releases: v1.8.0-beta.11, v1.8.0-beta.10, v1.8.0-beta.9...
3 years ago

Hello everyone, hope your groovy.

This release is to fix the issues that arose from 1.1.8. Where's 1.1.9 do you ask? Well... I've skipped that number as I incorrectly pushed it to master to fix some of the bugs and never managed to get around to doing a release. So those people who did update to 1.1.9 don't get confused I've just skipped it.

This release brings about A LOT of bug fixes. Weird happenings with the UI and as always, when I feel I owe you lot I have worked in some extra features. I would have pushed this all last week but got caught up with my other commitments. Honestly, if anyone would like me to escape those commitments and work on this full time then head over to my patreon, and soon github sponsors. It's most appreciated to all of my current members and future ones. OctoFarm will be staying Open Source and I will also be bringing some goodies to anyone signing up in the coming weeks.

Main features that have been added this time is the ability to generate custom Gcode scripts. These can be used in the Printer Control modal, down at the bottom with the terminal, and you will also see them appear on the Bulk Gcode action button on Printer Manager.




 - Last values from environmental data are displayed in the navigation bar when available. This will update every 5 seconds.  
 - Gave gmccauley (and possibly others) the new Filament and History graphs. Big Thanks for your data basically... I'm a dodo at times XD
 - New Client Settings - Control Panel File Top: Checking this as true will put the file section at the top of printer control. Print Status and Tools underneigth.
 - Added #252 - OctoPrint feed rate settings now allows for 10% to 300% inline with OctoPrint.
 - Added - New button in Printer manager called "Gcode Scripts". Allows for creating pre-defined gcode scripts that can be used from Printer Contol under the terminal + Bulk Gcode button. Thanks to @MTrab Discussion #250 + Issue #253 
     - NOTE: Editing of the scripts is not available yet. Wanted to get this release pushed with the bug fixes. Delete and re-create for now, will sort edit for next release. 


- Changed the ability to fire custom api power commands without command object to octoprints api.
- Gcode scripts modal has been enlarged to accomodate possible button configurations for new feature above.
- Printer Manager will now warn of a specific issue and tell you to log me a bug!


- Fixed #234 - Adding Power commands would be overwritten on save. (also affected appearance name on OctoPrint & wakeonlan settings and grabbing default power settings from OctoPrint on a new printer.)
- Fixed - Graph for filament daily usage would not stack values by day 
- Fixed - Auto grab of OctoPrint camera URL would incorrectly add :8080 to the url.
- Fixed - Date range and conversion issue with filament graphs 
- Fixed #235 - Filament / History graphs failing to generate data...
- Fixed - Port preference undefined, would happen on printer management when offline printer was added.
- Fixed - Fixed server start on some systems not correctly attaching to ipv4 interface. 
- Fixed - Issue with quick connect button sending the port as a string causing a 500 response. 
- Fixed - Spool manager not loading without spools. (only affected ancient data, pre COVID XD)
- Fixed - Spool manager loading graphs and table without spools. (only affected ancient data, pre COVID XD)
- Fixed error with file length/weight not getting parsed from text on Printer Control. 
- Fixed error with terminal erroring on enter command with no text.
- Fixed #245 - File manager recursive again
- Fixed Printer Control completely failing when 1 component didn't have data. (related to change above)


- Removed system settings dashboard control. Uneeded overhead.

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