github ObolNetwork/charon v1.0.0-rc1

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pre-releaseone month ago

v1.0.0-rc1 - 2024-05-08

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This is the first release candidate for our first major Charon release! Unless you want to test this rc, you should wait until a full v1.0.0 is published and announced.

As detailed by our version compatibility, being a major release, Charon v1.0.0-rc1 is not fully-backwards compatible with v0.x.x releases. Block proposals are not compatible between the versions, so once your cluster begins the upgrade, please upgrade all nodes promptly to ensure readiness for a proposal opportunity should one occur.

Breaking changes

  • Full support for beacon spec produceBlockV3 endpoint has been implemented: DutyProposer supports now both blinded and unblinded blocks, while DutyBuilderProposer has been deprecated.
    • This means you should remove the extra validator configuration added during previous versions of charon, consult the prior release to see what flags to remove to default to the lastest version of block proposals.

Compatibility Matrix

This matrix details the combination of beacon node + validator clients and their corresponding versions the Obol team have tested with this charon release. More validator and consensus client will be added to this list as they are supported in our automated testing framework.


  • ✅: All duties succeed in testing
  • 🟡: All duties succeed in testing, except non-penalised aggregation duties
  • 🟠: Duties may fail for this combination
  • 🔴: One or more duties fails consistently
Consensus 👇 Validator 👉 Teku v24.4.0 Lighthouse v5.1.31 Lodestar v1.18.1 Nimbus v24.3.0 Prysm PR Remarks
Teku v24.4.0 🟡 Teku bn needs the --validators-graffiti-client-append-format=DISABLED flag in order to produce blocks properly.
Lighthouse v5.1.3 🟡 🟠 Lighthouse vc are only failing aggregation duties, which are not directly penalised but impact network density at high scale.
Nimbus v24.3.0 🔴 🟡
Prysm v5.0.3 🟡 Prysm validator needs a particular pull request merged and released for aggregation duties to succeed.
Lodestar v1.18.1 🟡


  • consensus pipeline #2918 (#2928)
  • signed/unsigned data marshaling #2917 (#2929)
  • Implement Network Health Check Skeleton for Charon Cluster #2995 (#3008)
  • Expose mev-enabled metric #2879 (#2890)
  • integrate new go-eth2-client api #2936 (#2986)
  • add new libp2p metrics to relay #2544 (#3040)
  • Compose fails due to an invalid Lighthouse image #2886 (#2901)
  • Health check for too many metrics #2446 (#2967)
  • Add failing registrations as a health check #2760 (#2876)
  • Add support for produce block v3 endpoint #2749 (#2913,#2885,#2868)
  • Implement POST get validators endpoint #2840 (#2849)
  • Add charon alpha test peers tests towards self node #3076 (#3052)
  • Implement Peer-to-Peer Connection Tests #2997 (#3039)
  • [CLI] DKG ceremony crash upon existing validator_keys folder #2881 (#2958)
  • A deposit file for a single deposit should be backward compatible #2948 (#2940)
  • create new cluster lock version v1.8 #2728 (#2839)
  • cmd: create dkg cli to support partial deposits #2887 (#2887)
  • Implement Beacon Node Tests #2998 (#3059)
  • Spike on generic exits #2848 (#2934,#2926)
  • Add partial deposits support to charon dkg command #2889 (#2894)


  • Investigate Intermittent Failure in TestSigsExchange Test #3041 (#3042)
  • Handle gracefully DKG requests from banned IP ranges #2897 (#2898)
  • Confusing error when running combine multiple times #2538 (#2963)
  • data race in p2p package #2784 (#2875)
  • p2p: fix test-related data race #2763 (#2869)
  • Add testnet flags to combine command #2838 (#2856)
  • Ping peer continuously closed channel #3053 (#3054)
  • create cluster doesn't error when run in same directory #2851 (#2852)
  • MEV rewards sent to addresses configured on the CL + VC, not as specified in Charon's lock file #2770 (#2810)
  • Ensure Exit Message are compliant with EIP-7044 #2981 (#3035)
  • Investigate unknown/unknown arch in the Docker builds #2654 (#2971)


  • Complete SignedEpoch JSON migration in v0.19.0 #2593 (#2819)
  • Use url.ParseRequestURI instead of url.Parse where appropriate #2796 (#2832)
  • core/aggsigdb: refactor to remove channel synchronization #1951 (#2950)
  • eth2wrap: fix small tech debt #2704 (#2946)
  • Update tests using rand.Seed as it is deprecated in go 1.20+ #2831 (#2850)
  • Only use promrated for network averages #2843 (#2844)
  • Improve track failure reason names #2488 (#3033)
  • Promote eager_dlinear and consensus_participate flags to stable. #3001 (#3022)
  • Log the ENR pubkey and full lock hash in app-start #2778 (#2972)


  • Investigate and fix TestSmoke/dkg failure #2964 (#2965)


  • Enable v1.8.0 definition format with charon v1 release #3003 (#3028)
  • Track builder registrations with tracker #2669 (#2877)
  • Use 'latest' docker tag for stable releases only #2359 (#2855)

What's Changed


  1. sync committee and aggregator duties are not yet supported in a DV setup by Lighthouse, all other duties work as expected.
    Full Changelog: v0.19.2..v1.0.0-rc1

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