github OT-CONTAINER-KIT/redis-operator v0.17.0
v0.17.0 - May 14, 2024

one month ago

What's Changed

Features 🎉

  • WATCH_NAMESPACE support multi namespace #919
  • Add workflow to publish image to ghcr #914
  • Probe use built-in, discarded #907
  • Implement redis cluster ready state #867
  • add redisreplication status masterNode #849

CI and Test cases 🚀

  • Added e2e testing after operator ci check #913
  • Added test cover generateInitContainerDef #888
  • Added test cover func enableRedisMonitoring #883
  • Added yaml validation before running e2e tests #873
  • Added test cover func updatestatefulset #863
  • Added unit test cases #856
  • Added Redis mock functionality #842

BugFixes 🐞

  • Runtime panic when delete rediscluster which disable persistent #922
  • Runtime panic when storage param is empty #887
  • Exporter can not connect to redis when enable tls #902
  • Update status if not equal #900
  • Should get the really leader count when scale in #885
  • ClusterSlaves result should be cut #884
  • Redis cluster update as scale out #882
  • Add common AddFinalizer for all api #858

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.16.0...v0.17.0

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