- Main: added support for rectangular area lights
- Overlay: correctly load space width from font
- RTSS: handle multiple shadow casting lights
What's Changed
- Main
- add support for rectangular area lights
- Entity - drop unused mMaterialLodFactorTransformed
- fix processMainThreadTasks() waiting logic
- Material LOD should work regardless of OGRE_NO_MESHLOD
- Mesh/ SubMesh - add convenience resetVertexData & createVertexData
- move mMaterialLodIndex to Renderable
- ParticleSystem - do not track Affectors and Emitters in Factories
- ShadowCamera - treat rectlights as spotlights
- CMake
- add support for rectangular area lights
- allow creating local array variables
- PSSM - fix parsing parameters from script
- PSSM - correctly handle color shadows when PSSM is off
- PSSM - use shared, script-defined shadow sampler
- range loop refactoring (#2929, #2931, #2934, #2937)
- ShadowMapping - handle multiple shadow casting lights
- Overlay
- correctly load space width from font
- ImGui - respect ogre default codepoint range
- range loop refactoring (#2919)
- TextArea - draw missing space & deprecate space_width property
- update to imgui 1.89.8
- ImGui - correctly wrap Checkbox
- ImGui - enable float[2] float[3] float[4] paramters via ImVec4
- Python
- auto convert Ogre.Degree to Radian parameter
- workaround issue with cmake & manylinux (#2938)
- full sequence protocol for Vector, Quaternion and ColourValue
- Terrain: range loop refactoring (#2940)
- Overlay/ Bites: range loop refactoring (#2908)
- GLSupport: OSX - throw on broken createNewWindow code path
- Octree - drop unused _alertVisibleObjects
- Assimp
- fix animations bone handle (#2930)
- we must use an index buffer due to the triangulate step
- Docs
- 14-Notes - mention CollisionWorld
- fix out-of-date Dear ImGui link
- update 14 notes
- update basic tutorial2
- Samples
- add RectLight sample
- Shadows - use the RTSS to generate depth shadow shaders
- switch to multi- shadowlight RTSS shaders where applicable
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