github Nympfonic/UnityToolkit v1.1.0
UnityToolkit v1.1.0

17 hours ago

In this release

  • Fixed issue where UniTask's PlayerLoopSystem was not being injected correctly
  • Updated UniTask from v2.5.5 to v2.5.10
    • See this link for the changelog
  • Added ZString v2.4.4 (this is the latest version available for Unity 2019.4.39f1) as a near zero-allocation string builder alternative
  • Added new extension methods for Unity MonoBehaviours/Components
  • Added new structures: Closure<TContext>, ObjectPool<T>, and IProcessor<TProcessor, TData>
    • Closure<TContext> is a struct to allow you to manually control the closure lifetime for a lambda/anonymous method instead of allowing C# to usually create closures for you, which can lead to unnecessary allocations. Recommended to use with ObjectPool<T>
    • ObjectPool<T> is a class that allows you to recycle a list of objects instead of creating new objects, which would generate garbage
    • IProcessor<TProcessor, TData> is an interface for the chain of responsibility (COR) pattern, where TProcessor is the processor class, while TData is the data you want to pass into the processor
  • Added a new ModulePatchManager class which can be used in your client mod plugin to automatically enable your mod patches
    • Usage:
      var currentAssembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
      new ModulePatchManager(currentAssembly).EnableAllPatches();
    • You can also store the instance to a field/property/variable and reuse it to manually enable or disable specific patches:
      var currentAssembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
      var patchManager = new ModulePatchManager(currentAssembly).EnableAllPatches();
    • There is also an attribute to disable your patches without needing to do it at runtime (only works if you use UnityToolkit's ModulePatchManager):
      public class MyPatchClass : ModulePatch

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