github Notificare/notificare-sdk-ios 4.0.0

13 hours ago
  • Device identifiers become long-lived
  • launch(), unlaunch(), enableRemoteNotifications() and disableRemoteNotifications() become async functions with a callback alternative
  • Add support for customisable hosts
  • Fix decoding
  • Add Equatable compliance to applicable data models
  • Allow configure() to be called more than once, provided Notificare is unlaunched.

Breaking changes

  • attribute no longer contains the push token. Use Notificare.shared.push().subscription instead.
  • The NotificareDevice data model was reduced to only publicly relevant attributes.
  • didRegisterDevice only triggers once, when the device is created.
  • launch(), unlaunch(), enableRemoteNotifications() and disableRemoteNotifications() become suspending functions that complete after all the work is done.
  • NotificareTransport was moved to the push module.
  • Drops support for the monetize module.
  • Removed deprecated notificare(_:didReceiveNotification:). Use notificare(_:didReceiveNotification:deliveryMechanism:) instead.
  • Removed deprecated notificare(_:didReceiveUnknownAction:for:responseText:) delegate method. Renamed to notificare(_:didOpenUnknownAction:for:responseText:).
  • Removed deprecated handleNotificationRequest() from push module. Include the NotificareNotificationServiceExtensionKit and use NotificareNotificationServiceExtension.handleNotificationRequest() instead.

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