This release adds a new human user interface in the form of a web interface. To enable it, add this parameter to your config file, toward the top next to quiet
ui_password = "reallyLongPassword"
Use a password that is at least 16 characters long. Once you log into the web interface, you can change the password and it will be saved encrypted (so no one can snoop it).
The web interface provides new features:
- Config file editor.
- Log file browser and log file tailing.
- System information.
- Application metrics.
- Proxy authentication support.
Other features in this release:
- Debian/Ubuntu APT hooks. Allows native notifications from
commands. - Adds Plex to dashboard.
- Allows serializing operations (instead of always parallel threads).
- Decrease memory footprint (especially with serialization enabled).
- Adds help links to site errors.
Various bug fixes and internal changes to support new features on the website.