github Notifiarr/notifiarr v0.1.11
New Features & Fixes

latest releases: v0.7.3, v0.7.2, v0.7.1...
2 years ago
  • Add missing method to HTTP log entries.
  • Combine stuck Sonarr queue items in queue check payloads.
  • Change stuck items catcher logic to catch a few more things.
  • Deprecate stuck_items in favor of check_q in config file.
    • This new item allows you to pick how often to repeat a notification for an app instance.
    • Omit check_q from config file to disable Queue checker.
    • stuck_items=true sets check_q to 0 if it's not set.
  • Add --send CLI arg to compliment --snaps.
  • Add --write <file> CLI arg to write a new, or rewrite config file.
  • Allow choosing file location when writing config file from menu item.

Take note: If you set check_items = true in your config, you should now remove that and set check_q = 0 instead. Setting 0 means no notification repeats. If you set it to 1, you will receive a stuck queue item notification every hour for items that are stilL stuck in the queue. You may set it to any positive number, representing how many hours apart you want repeat notifications for items that remain stuck. If you do not want to check the app queues, then do not set check_q; leave it commented out.

You may upgrade your config file by running:

notifiarr -c /path/to/current/notifiarr.conf --write /tmp/

Then inspect the new file and replace your existing config file with it.

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