github NomicFoundation/hardhat v1.2.0
Buidler v1.2.0 released 🥳

latest releases: hardhat@2.22.4, @nomiclabs/hardhat-solhint@3.1.0, @nomicfoundation/hardhat-viem@2.0.2...
4 years ago

We are very happy to announce Buidler v1.2.0, one of our largest releases so far 🤩

Say hi to npx buidler node

This release includes a new built-in task, npx buidler node.

This task exposes Buidler EVM as a JSON-RPC server, to which you can connect from your dapps, MetaMask, or any other wallet or application.

It includes all the functionality of Buidler EVM that you know and love, like Solidity stack traces and console.log, and has very helpful and uncluttered output.

Take a look at it:


The complete list of changes in this version

  1. Buidler now works in Windows (#439 & #440)
  2. Complete the support for filters and subscriptions in Buidler EVM (#436 & #450)
  3. Expose Buidler EVM as a JSON-RPC server (#438 & #450)
  4. Improve the invalid nonce error message thrown by Buidler EVM (#451)
  5. Fix a bug in buidler-waffle (#453)
  6. Automatically initialize the Waffle Chai matchers in buidler-waffle. No need to do chai.use(Solidity) now (#456)
  7. Fix a bug in the compilation cache (#457 & #458)
  8. Add TypeScript support to the Visual Studio Code testing guide (#459)
  9. Make working with buidler-ethers easier by exposing the entire ethers' API. Take a look at its new README for more info. (#450)

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