github NomicFoundation/hardhat @nomiclabs/hardhat-etherscan@3.1.0
@nomiclabs/hardhat-etherscan v3.1.0

latest releases: @nomiclabs/hardhat-vyper@3.0.7, hardhat@2.22.6, @nomicfoundation/hardhat-viem@2.0.3...
2 years ago

This release adds support for verifying contracts in chains that are not included by default in hardhat-etherscan.

To do this, you add the network you want to verify in the customChains entry of the Etherscan configuration:

etherscan: {
  apiKey: {
    customNetwork: "<custom-network-api-key>"
  customChains: [
      network: "customNetwork",
      chainId: 12345,
      urls: {
        apiURL: "",
        browserURL: ""

You can read more about this here.

Thanks to @no2chem for the initial implementation and to @calvinaco who helped test this.

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