github NoName-exe/revanced 7

latest releases: 75, 74, 73...
23 months ago

CLI: revanced-cli-2.20.0-all.jar
Integrations: revanced-integrations-0.93.1.apk
Patches: revanced-patches-2.156.0.jar

2.156.0 (2023-01-17)

Bug Fixes

  • reddit/general-reddit-ads: specify last version that works correctly (#1495) (2a3bedd)


  • explain how to capture crash logs [skip ci] (f938ba8)
  • id-austria: remove-root-detection patch (3cf77cd)
  • id-austria: spoof-signature patch (355a847)
  • nova-launcher: unlock-prime patch (#1463) (cf710b2)

App Versions:
YouTube-Music (arm-v7a): 5.39.52
YouTube-Music (arm64-v8a): 5.39.52
YouTube: 17.49.37

Install Vanced MicroG to be able to use non-root YouTube or YouTube-Music

Main Repo

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