What's Changed
New models
- [FEAT] ARIMA model (no auto version) in #383
- [FEAT] AutoRegressive model in #387
- [FEAT] GARCH and ARCH models in #403
New functionality
Forward methods
Now you can pre-train a model and use new data to make forecasts through the forward
method. Supported models:
- [FEAT] Add forward method to Theta models in #362
- [FEAT] Add forward method to ETS models in #363
- [FEAT] Add forward method to AutoCES class in #364
- [FEAT] Add forward method to MSTL model in #369
- [FEAT] Add forward method to AutoARIMA (ARIMA and AutoRegressive) in #368
- [FEAT] Add alias argument to models (fit the same instance of models with different names) in #357
- [FEAT] Add cross-validation without refit (using the forward method) in #370
- [FEAT] Allow seasonality greater than 24 for ETS in #384
- [FEAT] Allow passing fixed coefficients for Arima in #386
- [FEAT] AutoCES prediction intervals in #394 (now StatsForecast is fully probabilistic)
- [FEAT] Add cla workflow in #351
- [FEAT] Add pypi downloads badge in #352
- [FEAT] Ignore jupyter notebooks as part of
in #356 - [FEAT] Add nbdev merge to git attributes in #365
- [FEAT] Add citation in #366
- [FEAT] Update table of models in #396
- [FEAT] Add M5 and M4-Daily experiments (Amazon Forecast) in #332
- [FEAT] Test recover M3 performance in #385
- [FEAT] BigQuery comparison in #421
- [FEAT] Experiments for ETS prediction intervals for multiple confidence levels in #377
- [FEAT] Add M3 experiment in #348
- [FEAT] Add a test ensuring the m3 performance is recovered in less than two minutes in #388
- [FEAT] Improved intermittent data nb in #359
- [FEAT] Add statistical and neural methods tutorial in #399
- [FEAT] Improve anomaly detection nb in #338
- [FEAT] GARCH and ARCH models tutorial in #418
- [FEAT] Improved notebook on prediction intervals in #358
- [FEAT] Improved notebook on exogenous regressors in #392
- [FEAT] Improve documentation in #376
- [FIX] Exponential Smoothing description in #346
- [FIX] Changed dataset and model to make example easier to follow in #345
- [FIX] Readme M3 typo in #350
- [FIX] Delete CLA.yml in #355
- [FIX] Broken link in #360
- [FIX] Clean aws nbs in #361
- [FIX] Add correct link to hierarchicalforecast by #372
- [FIX] Recover table-based documentation (core nb, compatible with docstrings) in #374
- [FIX] update sklearn -> scikit-learn in #375
- [FIX] Ray CI in #381
- [FIX] Links and typos in documentation in #390
- [FIX] Correct evaluation using Winkler score by @MMenchero in #395
- [FIX] Recover plots prediction intervals tutorial in #398
- [FIX] Use https links instead of s3 uris (stat-neural tutorial) in #400
- [FIX] New nbdev clean behaviour in #412
- [FIX] Model imports in #408
New dependencies
New Contributors
- @jvdd made their first contribution in #354
- @Roymprog made their first contribution in #390
- @nelsoncardenas made their first contribution in #408
Full Changelog: v1.4.0...v1.5.0