New features
- [FEAT] Add sparse non-negative OLS and WLS via QP for
by @christophertitchen in #319 - [FEAT] Implement adjacency matrix by @christophertitchen in #332
- [FEAT] Extremely fast forecast proportions by @christophertitchen in #334
Bug fixes
- [FIX] Handle zero division in top down methods by @mattbuot in #325
- [FIX] Raise warning on NaN values when using average proportions and proportion averages methods by @janrth in #335
- [FIX] TopDown method failing on combinations with other methods by @elephaint in #330
- [FIX] ERM-reg and ERM-reg-bu equations by @elephaint in #331
- [FIX] Produce reproducable samples for PERMBU by @elephaint in #337
- [FIX] API reference links, removal of unnecessary headers @elephaint in #318
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v1.0.1...v1.1.0