github NiagaraLauncher/Niagara-Issues v0.8.0-alpha7
Niagara Launcher v0.8.0-alpha7

latest releases: v1.13.9, v1.13.8, v1.13.7...
pre-release5 years ago

What’s new:

• Niagara’s redesigned logo give’s the N a more refined shape, which especially makes two-toned variants more “readable”
• Edit mode can be opened by long pressing on any app on the main screen
• Updated translations

alpha 6:
• The default width & placement of widgets has changed: Now they’re a bit wider & centered. A s a result, the now obsolete “/ widget centered" option has been removed.

Try out the new edit mode to easily manage your homescreen. Long press on the clock or on the empty space above to:
• add a widget
• quickly add, remove and reorder favorites
• see and (un-)block suggested apps
• Move the whole list vertically
• Change your wallpaper or open Niagara’s settings
• The way how to open edit mode might change.

Besides, Spotify’s media player shouldn't accidentally pop up anymore while downloading songs.

alpha 5:
• The media player won’t appear if the home widget is from the same app.
• A long press above your favorites opens a menu where you can add or edit the home widget, move the clock down, edit your favorites and go to Niagara’s settings.
• A bug that caused widgets to not update has been fixed.

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