- crash on startup if an error message needed to be shown
- exception when resuming collection install from notification when no game active
- exception trying to update user info from nexus
- rare exception if mod deleted immediately after download finishes
- rare exception if archive is deleted while installing as dependency
- rare exception installing collection if mod ends up in invalid state
- rare exception on mod downloads with incomplete/invalid meta data
- wrong game id assigned to downloads with >1 compatible extensions
- some fomods installed as part of collection would install with wrong options
- load order entry names on collections page not displaying correctly for some games
- game popover showing outdated version info
- buttons in some dialogs not clickable
- (Bethesda games) some plugin incompatibilities not displayed correctly
- (Bethesda games) BSA files accessed by Vortex may remain locked for a bit longer than necessary
- (Mount & Blade 2) error if mnb2 profile is no longer available
- (Mount & Blade 2) sorting algorithm disregarding locked entries
- (Baldurs Gate 3) exception if user sets invalid version on the lslib mod
- (Witcher 3) dlc mods not installing correctly
- (Morrowind) collections data not exported/imported correctly
- performance improvements related to the game discovery in windows store
- slight style improvement on load order screen for some games
- added/fixed game version resolution for many games (Prison Architect, Halo MCC, TF2, Sims 3, Greedfall, DOS 2, VtM Bloodlines, Kenshi)
- (Mount & Blade 2) better error handling when installing invalid mods
- (Witcher 3) better (?) discovery of GOG id versions
- (X-Com 2) discovery of epic store version
- (Rimworld) added support for Steam Mods
- (Morrowind) now using generic load order UI
- option to sort collection lists