- unhandled exception if plugin sorting process crashes at a bad time
- (rare) exception on startup due to list of downloads being mia
- (rare) exception if one extension depends on another and that one failed to load
- (rare) exception checking running processes
- (rare) exception purging files if the game wasn't correctly registered
- exception in some cases if the list of groups in the userlist is invalid
- layout of address bar in embedded browser broke if url too long
- potential problem when we update a bundled extension independently from the main app
- tutorial videos not positioned correctly
- Vortex would give up way too quickly starting the secondary process for mod installs
- survey wasn't shown if the announcement dashlet was disabled
- scripted mod installer might fail if temporary file gets locked (probably by AV)
- (Vampire Masquerade: Bloodlines) trying to open mod folder started the game
- (Subnautica) Added support for addons and CC2 mods
- (Subnautica & Below Zero) less intrusive QMM download/install process