fixed: exception rendering mod version column
fixed: exception if download is stored without chunk list
fixed: exception updating table
fixed: exception in external changes dialog
fixed: exception due to incorrectly stored mod
fixed: exception if deployment finalize was called out of sequence
fixed: exception during shutdown from asynchronous plugin-sync operation
fixed: potential exception if userlist/masterlist empty or contains nulls
fixed: exception if active game is (no longer) discovered
fixed: incorrect "update available" claim for "miscellaneous" files
fixed: some untranslatable elements
fixed: automatic cleanup for duplicate download entries
fixed: menues didn't close after clicking action
fixed: potential failure to discover games via steam
fixed: error message from version dropdown button
fixed: during deployment backups of existing files weren't actually created
fixed: "has update" filter didn't show all relevant mods
fixed: running tools as admin was broken
fixed: error when mod meta data can't be found
fixed: installer would not install any files with a path starting in "fomod"
fixed: dependency connector line would stop updating once the source is outside the screen
fixed: exception when using indexlock when plugin disappears from load order
fixed: could attempt to create an invalid load order
fixed: no longer warn about the installed version being outdated if it's newer than the latest stable
improvement: automatically trigger deployment when reinstalling enabled mods
improvement: show mod update activity indicator for at least 2 seconds
improvement: added navigation capabilities to the integrated browser
improvement: more graceful handling when the user isn't logged in and tries to start a nexus download
improvement: download progress filter options now cover all download states
improvement: clarified that the dropzone may support multiple items
improvement: will now highlight the target plugin row when dragging a dependency connection
improvement: updated loot
feature: support for Pillars Of Eternity 2: Deadfire
feature: added filter on dependencies column to search for mods with conflicts