github NeverSinkDev/NeverSink-Filter-for-PoE2 0.2.1
v0.2.1 - Major refinement and overhaul update. Now with hidden items in higher maps!

latest releases: 0.52.0a, 0.52.0, 0.5.1...
2 months ago

Pretty much refined and improved everything about the filter!

Unless something drastic happens, this is likely the final release (barring bugfixes) for the mini-filter.
It serves to breach the time until the full filterblade/NeverSink's PoE2 filter release.

Added some hide rules for endgame mapping:

  • Overhauled the item sizes and map icon sizes to produce much cleaner visuals
  • The filter will no longer show mapicons for lower currencies (like augments) in higher maps
  • Scrolls of wisdom are now hidden in maps. Just buy them for 25 gold.
  • Flasks are hidden in T5+ maps, unless they roll with quality
  • Early campaign non-caster normal/magic equipment (typical stuff, not jewels etc) is now hidden in T6+ maps. This will also hide magic equipment of a 'tier' type, however due to their low basestats, these should near irrelevant anyway. In higher maps, there's more 'hide layers' as the game introduces better and better basetypes
  • Added a new rule for exalted orbs, with a subtly higher and more popping highlight
  • Adjusted splinter highlight
  • Adjusted lower currency highlight
  • Added pinnacle key highlight
  • Low tier waystones dropping in higher maps don't get highlighted quite as hard and don't produce any sounds
  • Retiered all currencies
  • Added some high value currencies, like rare emotions to T1
  • Larger gold piles now have a different highlight offset in higher maps to reduce the cognitive complexity the filter invokes
  • Uncut Support gems are now less highlighted in maps (starting with T4 maps)
  • Uncut Skill gems are less highlighted in maps unless they have a Tier of 19+
  • Adjusted highlight and map icons for relics, jewels, soul cores...
  • Quality salvaging highlight now looks for all items not just quality 1+
  • A lot of smaller changes
  • Added sanctum key highlight

Developed by NeverSink

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