github NethermindEth/nethermind 1.8.17

latest releases: 1.31.2, 1.31.1, 1.31.0...
4 years ago

Use 1.8.18 instead

We have fixed a few typos:

  • WAS "full sync" SHOULD SAY "state sync" when node was transitioning to full and headers were ahead of the just synced state
  • WAS "access violation exception", SHOULD SAY "ok" when closing the DB while still syncing
  • WAS "5GB" SHOULD BE "100MB" size of the queues when syncing with improved network conditions
  • some of these typos may have caused you not to be able to sync node from 0 on versions 1.8.x

For stable version please keep using 1.7.x versions - we will continue to test 1.8.x heavily

Running Nethermind:

Nethermind Launcher is a self-contained app - you do not need to install .NET separately to run it.


  1. sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install libsnappy-dev libc6-dev libc6 unzip
  2. wget
  3. unzip -d nethermind
  4. cd nethermind
  5. ./Nethermind.Launcher
  6. Select desired configuration

Additionally for Ubuntu 16.04

  1. sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test
  2. sudo apt-get update
  3. sudo apt-get install gcc-6 g++-6
  4. sudo apt install libzstd1


  1. download windows package
  2. unzip the file
  3. run Nethermind.Launcher.exe
  4. select desired configuration


  1. download darwin package
  2. unzip the file
  3. run Nethermind.Launcher
  4. select desired configuration

Nethermind Data Marketplace:

NDM packages can be downloaded directly from

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