github NethermindEth/nethermind 1.11.7

latest releases: 1.27.0, 1.27.0-rc, 1.26.0...
2 years ago

What changed?

[Mainnet] Add arrow glacier support in chainspec (#3573)
[MEV] Add support for MEV 0.4 specification, support for Mega Bundles (#3423)
[Json Rpc] Disable EIP-3607 for RPC calls (#3580)
[Json Rpc/Trace] Implement trace_callMany, remove gas constraints on tracing (#3571)
[Mempool] Immediate broadcast of new local txs will improve tx inclusion time on sparse networks like xDai (#3552)
[Mempool] Improve performance and memory usage by eagerly removing stale transactions (#3559)
[Mempool] Improve performance by sorting only worst transaction per sender (#3559)
[Mempool] Improve performance by moving updates to background thread (#3558)
[xDai] After MemPool improvements bring down default MemPool size to 2048 (#3563)
[POA Core] Fix issue with service transactions and base fee (#3572)
[POA Core] London hardfork chainspec changes (#3564), (#3567), (#3576)
[Sepolia] Added support for the new testnet Sepolia - the successor for Ropsten
[Sync] Updated pivots for parallel sync

Running Nethermind:

Nethermind Launcher is a self-contained app - you do not need to install .NET separately to run it.

(Tested on Ubuntu Series: Focal, Bionic, Xenial and Trusty)

  1. sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nethermindeth/nethermind
  2. sudo apt install nethermind
  3. To execute the launcher
  4. To execute the runner
    nethermind --config mainnet


  1. brew tap nethermindeth/nethermind
  2. brew install nethermind
  3. To execute the launcher
  4. To execute the runner
    nethermind --config mainnet


  1. docker pull nethermind/nethermind
  2. docker run -it nethermind/nethermind


  1. sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install libsnappy-dev libc6-dev libc6 unzip
  2. wget
  3. unzip -d nethermind
  4. cd nethermind
  5. ./Nethermind.Launcher
  6. select desired configuration

Linux Arm64

  1. sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install libsnappy-dev libc6-dev libc6 librocksdb5.17 unzip
  2. wget
  3. unzip -d nethermind
  4. cd nethermind
  5. ./Nethermind.Launcher
  6. select desired configuration


  1. download windows package
  2. unzip the file
  3. run Nethermind.Launcher.exe
  4. select desired configuration


  1. brew install rocksdb
  2. download darwin package
  3. unzip the file
  4. run Nethermind.Launcher
  5. select desired configuration

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