github Netflix/dispatch v20220801

latest releases: v20230817c, latest, v20230919...
22 months ago

Hi Dispatch users!

This is the first release of the month of August. This release includes improvements and bug fixes in the Web UI, backend, and documentation. Thanks to all community members for your continuous help and support!


Bug Fixes:

  • Increases incident task sync loopback to 10 minutes (#2368) by @mvilanova
  • Fixes bugs impacting filtering users by organization and getting users' organization role (#2336) by @mvilanova
  • Fixes bug preventing the creation of new incident priorities if a color is specified (#2391) by @mvilanova


  • Disables schemathesis tests until we have time to fix them (#2331) by @mvilanova


  • Fixes typos in document paths and adds documentation for tag and tag type (#2329) by @mvilanova

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