This is the first release of January and of 2021!
Bug Fixes:
- Fixes potentially unsafe HTML URL links (#717)
- Fixed an issue where incident export would have issue exporting null values (#723)
- Fixes issue with some selects attempting client side filtering in Dispatch UI (#729)
- Don't attempt to re-add participants if their task has been resolved (#731)
- Fixes an issue with displaying multiple error messages in Dispatch UI (#762)
- Only reactivate incident when status goes from closed to active (#765)
- Improved on-call plugin related warnings (#713)
- New Dispatch UI color scheme based of the hawkins design language (#715)
- Aligns our use of incident command and incident reporter to rely on "participant" object instead of "individual" objects (#730)
- Restrict incident slack commands from some participants (#732)
- Refactor/convert HTML emails to MJML templates (#735, #750, #756, #760)
- Standardised filter button text (#752)
- Adds dark mode to Dispatch UI (#720)
- Adds treemap chart for incident tags (#722)
- Allows incidents to be deleted. Note: this only applies to the Dispatch DB and not to external resources (#727, #748)
- Adds task CSV export (#733)
- Adds timeline CSV export (#734)
- Adds a modify user role command to the Dispatch CLI (#737)
- Adds "tracking only" checkbox to incident report form (#761)