github Netflix/conductor v2.27.0

latest releases: v3.15.0, v3.14.0, v3.13.8...
4 years ago
  • Added a property to allow disabling the automatic index management in Elasticsearch6 module. Defaults to true.
  • Added a property workflow.elasticsearch.document.type.override to allow the usage of generic document types across all indices in Elasticsearch6 module. Defaults to empty string and will use the index type as document type.
  • Added a property tasklog.elasticsearch.query.size to configure the number of task logs that are fetched from the index. Defaults to 10.
  • Added optional modules to publish metrics to log4j logging framework
  • Fixed race condition in high throughput scenarios when using BulkRequestBuilder in the Elasticsearch REST DAOs (v5/v6).
  • Made the task definition optional for DO_WHILE task
  • Enabled indexing of workflow document in Elasticsearch during pause/resume operations
  • Eagerly initialize WorkflowMonitor to publish workflow and task metrics.
  • Introduced docker containers for integration testing mysql and postgres persistence modules.
  • Introduced Spock-based scenario testing for integration tests.
  • [UI] Added a View Subworkflow link to the pop-up menu when viewing task info

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