github Netflix/Hystrix 1.4.0-RC1
Version 1.4.0 Release Candidate 1

latest releases: v1.5.18, v1.5.17, v1.5.16...
pre-release10 years ago

This is the first release candidate of 1.4.0 that includes HystrixObservableCommand (Source) that supports bulkheading asynchronous, non-blocking sources.

NOTE: This code is NOT considered production worthy yet, hence the "Release Candidate" status.

It has run for 1 day on a single machine taking production traffic at Netflix. This is sufficient for us to proceed to a release candidate for official canary testing, but we intend to test for a week or two before doing a final release.

Here is a very basic example using Java 8 to make an HTTP call via Netty and receives a stream of chunks back:

public static void main(String args[]) {
    HystrixObservableCommand<String> command = bulkheadedNetworkRequest("");
            // using BlockingObservable.forEach for demo simplicity
            .toBlockingObservable().forEach(d -> System.out.println(d));
    System.out.println("Time: " + command.getExecutionTimeInMilliseconds() + "  Events: " + command.getExecutionEvents());

public static HystrixObservableCommand<String> bulkheadedNetworkRequest(final String host) {
    return new HystrixObservableCommand<String>(HystrixCommandGroupKey.Factory.asKey("http")) {

        protected Observable<String> run() {
            return directNetworkRequest(host);

        protected Observable<String> getFallback() {
            return Observable.just("Error 500");


public static Observable<String> directNetworkRequest(String host) {
    return RxNetty.createHttpClient(host, 80)
            .flatMap(response -> response.getContent())
            .map(data -> data.toString(Charset.defaultCharset()));
  • Pull 218 Hystrix 1.4 - Async/Non-Blocking
  • Pull 217 Javanica: Added support for "Reactive Execution" and "Error Propagation"
  • Pull 219 Restore HystrixContext* Constructors without ConcurrencyStrategy

Artifacts: Maven Central

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