github NetApp/harvest v22.05.0

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2 years ago


22.05.0 / 2022-05-11

🚀 Highlights of this major release include:

  • Early access to ONTAP REST perf collector from ONTAP 9.11.1GA+

  • ⌛ New Container Registry - Several of you have mentioned that you are being rate-limited when pulling Harvest Docker images from DockerHub. To alleviate this problem, we're publishing Harvest images to NetApp's container registry ( Going forward, we'll publish images to both DockerHub and More information in the FAQ. No action is required unless you want to switch from DockerHub to If so, the FAQ has you covered.

  • Five new dashboards added in this release

    • Power dashboard
    • Compliance dashboard
    • Security dashboard
    • Qtree dashboard
    • NFSv4 Store Pool dashboard (disabled by default)
  • New value_to_num_regex plugin allows you to map all matching expressions to 1 and non-matching ones to 0.

  • Harvest pollers can optionally read credentials from a mounted volume or file. This enables Hashicorp Vault support and works especially well with Vault agent

  • bin/grafana import provides a --multi flag that rewrites dashboards to include multi-select dropdowns for each variable at the top of the dashboard

  • The conf/rest collector templates received a lot of attentions this release. All known gaps between the ZAPI and REST collector have been filled and there is full parity between the two from ONTAP 9.11+. 🤘

  • 24 bug fixes, 48 feature, and 5 documentation commits this release

IMPORTANT ‼️ After upgrade, don't forget to re-import your dashboards so you get all the new enhancements and fixes. You can import via bin/harvest/grafana import cli or from the Grafana UI.

IMPORTANT The conf/zapiperf/cdot/9.8.0/object_store_client_op.yaml ZapiPerf template is being deprecated in this release and will be removed in the next release of Harvest. No dashboards use the counters defined in this template and all counters are being deprecated by ONTAP. If you are using these counters, please create your own copy of the template.

Known Issues

IMPORTANT 7-mode filers that are not on the latest release of ONTAP may experience TLS connection issues with errors like tls: server selected unsupported protocol version 301 This is caused by a change in Go 1.18. The default for TLS client connections was changed to TLS 1.2 in Go 1.18. Please upgrade your 7-mode filers (recommended) or set tls_min_version: tls10 in your harvest.yml poller section. See #1007 for more details.

The Unix collector is unable to monitor pollers running in containers. See #249 for details.


  • Harvest should include a Power dashboard that shows power consumed, temperatures and fan speeds at a node and shelf level #932 and #903

  • Harvest should include a Security dashboard that shows authentication methods and certificate expiration details for clusters, volume encryption and status of anti-ransomware for volumes and SVMs #935

  • Harvest should include a Compliance dashboard that shows compliance status of clusters and SVMs along with individual compliance attributes #935

  • SVM dashboard should show antivirus counters in the CIFS drill-down section #913 Thanks to @burkl for reporting

  • Cluster and Aggregate dashboards should show Storage Efficiency Ratio metrics #888 Thanks to @Falcon667 for reporting

  • 🚧 This is another step in the ZAPI to REST road map. In earlier releases, we focused on config ZAPIs and in this release we've added early access to an ONTAP REST perf collector. 🎊 The REST perf collector and thirty-nine templates included in this release, require ONTAP 9.11.1GA+ 😲 These should be considered early access as we continue to improve them. If you try them out or have any feedback, let us know on Slack or GitHub #881

  • Harvest should collect NFS v4.2 counters which are new in ONTAP 9.11+ releases #572

  • Plugin logging should include object detail #986

  • Harvest dashboards should use Time series panels instead of Graph (old) panels #972. Thanks to @ybizeul for raising

  • New regex based plugin value_to_num_regex helps map labels to numeric values for Grafana dashboards.

  • Harvest status should run on systems without pgrep #937 Thanks to Dan Butler for reporting this on Slack

  • When using a credentials file and the poller is not found, also consult the defaults section of the harvest.yml file #936

  • Harvest should include an NFSv4 StorePool dashboard that shows NFSv4 store pool locks and allocation detail #921 Thanks to Rusty Brown for contributing this dashboard.

  • REST collector should report cpu-busytime for node #918 Thanks to @pilot7777 for reporting this on Slack

  • Harvest should include a Qtree dashboard that shows Qtree NFS/CIFS metrics #812 Thanks to @ev1963 for reporting

  • Harvest should support reading credentials from an external file or mounted volume #905

  • Grafana dashboards should have checkbox to show multiple objects in variable drop-down. See comment for details. #815 #939 Thanks to @manuelbock, @bcase303 for reporting

  • Harvest should include Prometheus port (promport) to metadata metric #878

  • Harvest should use NetApp's container registry for Docker images #874

  • Increase ZAPI client timeout for default and volume object #1005

  • REST collector should support retrieving a subset of objects via template filtering support #950

  • Harvest should support minimum TLS version config #1007 Thanks to @jmg011 for reporting and verifying this


  • SVM Latency numbers differ significantly on Harvest 1.6 vs Harvest 2.0 #1003 See discussion as well. Thanks to @jmg011 for reporting

  • Harvest should include regex patterns to ignore transient volumes related to backup #929. Not enabled by default, see conf/zapi/cdot/9.8.0/volume.yaml for details. Thanks to @ybizeul for reporting

  • Exclude OS aggregates from capacity used graph #327 Thanks to @matejzero for raising

  • Few panels need to have instant property in Data protection dashboard #945

  • CPU overload when there are several thousands of quotas #733 Thanks to @Flo-Fly for reporting

  • Include 7-mode CLI role commands for Harvest user #891 Thanks to @ybizeul for reporting and providing the changes!

  • Zapi Collector fails to collect data if number of records on a poller is equal to batch size #870 Thanks to @unbreakabl3 on Slack for reporting

  • Wrong object name used in conf/zapi/cdot/9.8.0/snapshot.yaml #862 Thanks to @pilot7777 for reporting

  • Field access-time returned by snapshot-get-iter should be creation-time #861 Thanks to @pilot7777 for reporting

  • Harvest panics when trying to merge empty template #859 Thanks to @pilot7777 for raising

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