This is a beta build.
It might be unstable so please backup your scenarios before updating to this version. It will be only availble on direct download here, and not on PlayStore/FDroid.
- Fix Tutorial display issues
- Fix some ANR caused by external libs
- Workaround implementation for Google Pixels on Android 15 (see #599): A workaround to fix the click blocking issue is to click with three fingers on the screen. As it is impossible for Klick'r to detect when this bug occurs, a triple click will be injected on the top left of the screen every 10s. You can control this workaround in the settings. This is available only if you can be impacted by the bug, for all other users, this changes nothing.
This last issue is really difficult to reproduce, and I don't have a Pixel Phone so I really count on you to test it !